What are Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)?
An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is an open-ended investment fund that is listed and traded on stock exchanges. They have gained popularity as investment vehicles due to their straightforward nature, similar to stock trading, and cost-efficiency in executing various investment strategies.
ETFs encompass a broad range of assets, including equities (both from Australian and international markets), fixed income securities, currencies, and commodities. They also offer multi-asset solutions suitable for different risk appetites.
Typically, most ETFs are designed to replicate the performance of a particular index or asset class, known as passive ETFs. On the other hand, active ETFs, also referred to as exchange-traded managed funds, aim to outperform an index, seeking to achieve higher returns than a specified benchmark.
ETFs are divided into two primary categories: ‘physical’ and ‘synthetic’. Physical ETFs generally hold all or most of the securities in a given index. Synthetic ETFs, however, often use derivatives (like options, swaps, futures) to mimic the performance of a specific asset or index.
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